5. NV4500 Retainers
GM & DODGE FRONT RETAINERS: On the front of the transmission, both the GM and Dodge transmissions used a different front retainer. We offer some of these stock retainers as well as some modified retainers for use with our adapter kits:
Dodge gas version transmission has a 5.600” index dia. with a 1.370” GM snout dia. 716067.
Dodge gas version transmission has a 5.600” index dia. with a 1.437” snout dia. 716068.
Dodge H.D. version transmission has a 5.600” index dia. with a 1.750” snout dia. 716080.
GM 1993-1995 transmissions have a 5.125” index dia. with a 1.377” snout dia. (we do not offer this retainer).
GM 1996-2004 transmissions have a 5.600” index dia. This retainer does not have a snout. We offer a bolt-on snout with a 1.377” GM diameter, 716067A. We also offer replacement aluminum GM retainers under 716068G.