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5. Atlas T/C - Rotation & Clocking Options

Choosing a Case Rotation:

When making the decision on what case rotation is best suited for you're vehicle there are a few things to consider:

  • What side is your front differential on?

This will determine if you are in need of a passenger or a driver side drop case.

  • What angle would you like the case to hang at?

In some cases the preference would be to have the case sit as close to level as possible, however in some applications this is just not possible due to clearances or interference issues.


This stock transmission bolt pattern is found on transmissions that were originally bolted to a Dana 300 transfer case with a stock case rotation of 35 degrees. This stock transmission bolt pattern is also found on some Jeep transmissions when bolted to a New Process transfer case that had a stock rotation of 23 degrees. 

Atlas 2sp Left Drop 0, 18, 25, 32, 39, 46 Degrees

P/N ALC-T (Trail Case)

P/N ALC-G2 (G2 Pro Case)

P/N ALC-D (Divorced Trail Case)

P/N ALC-G2-D (Divorced G2 Pro Case)

P/N ALC-43F-G2 (Ford 6R140 transmission case assy. G2 Pro Series)

P/N ALC-G2-FT (Flat Tow case assy. G2 Pro Series)

Atlas 2sp Right Drop 5, 12, 19, 26 Degrees

P/N ARC-T (Trail Case)

P/N ARC-G2 (G2 Pro Case)

P/N ARC-D (Divorced Trail Case)

P/N ARC-G2-D (Divorced G2 Pro Case)

Atlas 4sp Left Drop 0, 17, 24, 31, 38 Degrees

P/N A4-LC-G2 (G2 Pro Case)

P/N A4LC-G2-FT (Flat Tow case assy. G2 Pro Series)

Atlas 4sp Right Drop 5, 12, 19, 26 Degrees

P/N A4-RC-G2 (G2 Pro Case)


This stock transmission bolt pattern is found on some Jeep transmissions when bolted to a New Process transfer case that had a stock rotation of 13 degrees.

Atlas 2sp Left Drop 0, 8, 15, 22, 29, 39 Degrees

P/N ALC-T (Trail Case)

P/N ALC-G2 (G2 Pro Case)

P/N ALC-D (Divorced Trail Case)

P/N ALC-G2-D (Divorced G2 Pro Case)

P/N ALC-43F-G2 (Ford 6R140 transmission case assy. G2 Pro Series)

P/N ALC-G2-FT (Flat Tow case assy. G2 Pro Series)

Atlas 2sp Right Drop 0, 15, 22, 29, 36 Degrees

P/N ARC-T (Trail Case)

P/N ARC-G2 (G2 Pro Case)

P/N ARC-D (Divorced Trail Case)

P/N ARC-G2-D (Divorced G2 Pro Case)

Atlas 4sp Left Drop 6, 13, 20, 27 Degrees

P/N A4-LC-G2 (G2 Pro Case)

P/N A4LC-G2-FT (Flat Tow case assy. G2 Pro Series)

Atlas 4sp Right Drop 5, 15, 22, 29, 36 Degrees

P/N A4-RC-G2 (G2 Pro Case)


This bolt pattern is found on most of our adapter housings. If you are currently using one of our castings equipped with the dual bolt pattern, you will have all the options listed above.